Q. A few years ago I had my Tefilin repainted, the paint was rather thick and has recently began peeling off in some places. It is still black underneath, but the new paint comes off in chips some as big as a 1/3 of an inch. Is there a problem with this?

A. Mishna Berura (32,185), writes that the black paint on the Tefilin, should be only a thin coating, not a layer or film that can be peeled. If the paint comes off as scales, after the fact, the Tefilin are still Kosher, but should be repainted. Mishna Berura adds, that if the painting peels off in a single complete leaf that is similar to a sheet of black paper, the Tefilin are disqualified. (Nishmas Adam as opposed to Noda Beyehuda 1, O.C. 1).

Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is that in your particular case, the Tefilin are Kosher after the fact, but should be fixed.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a