On question 4222 the Rov mentioned that there is an issue of not learning the Written Torah during the night. Does that apply to Shabbat also, when saying Divrei Torah on the Parsha by the Shabbat meal? Can one prepare the K’riat Hatorah on Shabbat night for reading the next day? Does this issue apply even when learning Tanach with Rashi or other Mefarshim?

We must mention that Beer Heitev (O.H. 238: 2) mentions the avoidance of learning Mikrah (written Torah) at night. Yet, Mishna Berura (Shar Hatzion ibid), quotes Pri Megadim that even those who avoid, it is not a real prohibition, but on the onset it is better to learn Mikrah during the day. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that it also applies to Shabbos, yet Divrei Torah said at the table, usually contain Midrashim, sayings of the Talmud and other Mefarshim that qualify well as Torah She’Baal Peh and are thus permitted. The Rov maintains that one should better prepare the Parsha to be read, before Shabbos night as well as the usual required of the personal reading twice of the Parsha and the Targum once. If not done it is better to do so when possible during the morning before davening.