Someone who is doing a BBQ outside and because of the cold weather he is wearing leather gloves. If then touches some hot meat or other hot food directly, is there a problem that the skin of the gloves would make the hot kosher food not kosher? Is there a problem, for someone using leather gloves in winter, to poor a hot coffee with milk when using those leather gloves since the hot milk coffee may spill over them?

Rema (Y.D. 87. 10) rules that the stomach of a Kosher animal when salted and dried to the point that it becomes dry as a piece of wood, it could be used for containing milk as wood would be. However, on the next Seif, Shulchan Aruch prohibits the above, when skins of not kosher animals are used. Shach (ibid. 35) and other Poskim prohibit on the onset using non kosher animal skins to be in contact with kosher food. However, after the fact it may be permitted. See Igrois Moishe (Y.D. 2: 27) prohibits gelatin made from totally dried non-kosher animal skins. (See also Pischei Teshuav ibid and Noda Beyehuda Y.D. 26). Horav Shlomo Miller’s opinion is that Lechatchila (on the onset) one should avoid using leather gloves in the above situations.