Hello Rav, I recently heard a story about a Frum Yid that went to visit his dying Non-Frum brother and declined accepting a large sum of money from him because the brother had been involved in business ventures that were not necessarily closed on Shabbat. I’m wondering if this was a stringency he imposed on himself or if this is the actually Halacha. For example, if a non Frum Jew that sometimes works on Shabbat gave me a gift of some cash, would I be required to decline it? If its not prohibited, is there any room be be Machmir to decline the gift, even if the money is much needed for the Frum family? Is that considered a pious act? Thanks!

Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that if the money is to be used for Tzedaka and helping the poor and the one’s in need, it can be used. However, if it is to be invested on material things for a shul building, a Sefer Torah, Tefilin or similar objects of Kedusha it should not be accepted.