Kvod Harav. I’m a Rabbi of a shul were we offer during Purim a Seuda. Others and myself say some Divre Torah then. Since one must begin to learn the Halachot of Pesach already from Purim, as stated in Shulchan Aruch, I usually mention a short Halacha. It stands to reason as mentioned by Poskim that first one should speak about Purim, since that is the theme of the day and should have priority. The problem is from experience, that very often one forgets to mention the Pesach Halacha later on. So what does Horav Miller Shlit’a recommend?

Shulchan Aruch and Poskim (O.H. 429: 1) mention that indeed one should start learning Hilchos Pesach on Purim itself. Nitei Gavriel (Pesach 1: n. 2) quotes various opinions and traditions that it should be said before the Seuda. Horav Shlomo Miller’’s Shlit’a opinion is that in your case a short Halocho such as the essential things that have to be said by the Pesach Seder (Pesach, Matza and Maror) suffices, and should be said before, if one is afraid he may later forget.