Dear Rav Shlita. Is there any problem to teach my teenager son to do Hagba’a (lifting) on a Sefer Torah, when it is not during Krias Hatorah? Is there a Bizayon (embarrassment) to the Torah to take it out just teach and allow one to practice doing Hagba’a in an empty Shul without the pressure of the Tzibur, in order they have the confidence and technique to do it for real after Krias Hatorah? What is Rav Shlomo Shlita’s and the Rav’s opinion on the matter? We appreciate the Rav’s hard work in all the Teshuvos! As well as Rav Miller and the other Rabonim on the panel!

Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”’a opinion is that when he takes out the Sefer Torah he should first read at least one posuk of the Torah before practising the Hagba’a.