Dear rabbi, this question may seem strange, but it is actually needed. At the Shabbath kiddush in shul we have young families with children attending. Many of them like during the deep freeze days to go outside and brake icicles hanging from the low roof in the backyard and then use them to mix their drinks or cool them. Is that permitted?

As mentioned above and also on question 2069 regarding if snow muktza in Shabbos we wrote: “Shulchan Aruch (338: 8) and Mishna Berura (ibid. 30) permit the use of rain water collected during Shabbos, as long as it is clean and fit to use. Most Poskim maintain that the same applies to snow (Mekor Chaim 320: 11, Eishel Avrohom (312), Shemiras Shabbos K’ (16: 44) and others. However, Igros Moshe (O. H. 5: 22) maintains that snow is different and there is an inherent ‘nolad’ (created during Shabbos) prohibition on it. Tiltulei Shabbos quoting RS’Z Auerbach zt’l suggests that snow in our days should be considered muktza, since it does not have any use and should be like stones and dirt. Nevertheless. Poskim are lenient, since people play with it and shovel it too. (Piskei Teshuvos 338: n. 144). Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’’a opinion is that it is not muktza. Therefore, one is allowed to shovel a path during Shabbos when in need.” On question 393 regarding chopping ice on Shabbos. By using a metal scrapper to break ice on a path or steps, we wrote: “Mishna Berura (320: 36) quotes Mogen Avrohom’s opinion that there is a difference between breaking ice collected on a vessel, which the Shulchan Aruch (ibid. 10) permits and chopping ice that is attached to the ground, where it may be considered building or demolishing. However Mishna Berura mentions that many Poskim disagree and rules that in need the ice can be broken.” Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a therefore permits also the use of the icicles.