Someone walking to shul on snow during Shabbos had to adjust his boots. As he was also learning Torah while walking, he wanted to clean his hands by using the snow. Is that permitted?

On question 394 regarding shoveling snow on Shabbos, we wrote; “Sh’miras Shabbos Kehilchoso (16: note 110) quoting Rav S. Z. Auerbach Zt’l rules that snow that fell on Shabbos is not Muktze (see Mishna Berura 338: 30). Igrois Moishe (O.H. 5: 22: 37) disagrees. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that in case of real need, as when you cannot enter or exit, you may shovel what is essential.” Regarding our question Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that he should not pick some snow and rub his hands with it to clean them, rather, he should just deep his hand in the snow instead.