Is there a mitzva to make a Seuda or special meal on Tu Bishvat when you eat the fruits of trees?

The common accepted minhag is to increase the amount of tree fruits one usually eats on Tu BiShevat the Rosh Hashana of trees. Some have the minhag to do a special Seuda, others even have the custom to have a special Seder, of how and the Tefilos recited when eating the fruits. (See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 139: 26, Magen Avraham O H 131: 16, Tikkun Yissachar pg. 25, Kaf Hachaim 131:97, Mishna Brurah 131: 31 and 225:19, Yalkut Yosef Moadim p. 248: 5, Moadim LiSimcha vol. 3 pg. 20-27 – 34 -35 and others.) The minhag of eating fruits applies to women as well (Nitei Gavriel p. 69).