See questions above. What is the reason and why should one not drink water during the beginning of the Tekufa?

Luach Davar Beito quotes Sefarim that mention they involve a danger of infection and bloating and are connected to tragic historical happenings of those days. On Nisan, since it was at that time that the waters in Egypt turned into blood. During Tamuz, it is due to the fact that it was then when Hashem instructed Moshe and Aharon to talk to the stone to deliver the much needed water. Yet, instead the hit the rock and were punished for the act (Bamidbar, 20: 8). Tekufas Tishrei coincides with the Akeida of Yitzchak and then a few drops of his blood mixed with all waters. On Tekufas Teves, Yiftachs daughter was sacrificed and her blood also mixed with all other waters.