A most unusual case was encountered by a Yeshiva student that is part of a Baal Teshuva family, On a recent Friday, while looking through some old family documents, found the conversion certificate of his maternal grandmother. To his overwhelming shock he realized it was a done by a Conservative temple, after searching online and contacting the institution, it became obvious to him that it was invalid since the people signed on it were not Shomer Shabbos. Since all over sudden to his profound distress, he realized he is not Jewish and cannot daven and even keep Shabbos, he contacted us to see what could be done on the half a day before Shabbos begins.

We recommended him to immediately contact his Rov or Rosh Hayeshiva. Indeed he was able to make an appointment for a Beis Din to come together on the Monday after, and do an act of Orthodox Gerus. After consulting with Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a, we told him to get immediately three unrelated teachers or friends from his Yeshiva and ask them to meet at the local Kosher Mikva and undergo an act of Gerus or conversion accepting all mitzvos of the Torah. He required prior to that also an act of “Hatofas Dam Bris” or drawing a few drops from the place of Bris Mila which he had. That should be preferably done by a Mohel before entering the Mikva. He was indeed successful in performing before Shabbos began his emergency conversion.