The custom to say a posuk with one’s name at end of Shemonei Esrei, how is that done for example Avraham Yisroel, it is the first letter of the first name “A” and the last letter of “L” or last letter of “M”? or 2 pesukim?

Question 3007 mentions: “I would like to start saying the pasuk after the amida that contain the first and last letter of my name. (psukim lesheimos anoshim – noshim), since my father used to say it also. The problem is that I can’t find in the list given, a posuk that fits my name. What should I do?” To what we answered: “Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that you should choose from the list a posuk that begins with the first letter of your name, and follow with a second posuk that ends with the last letter of that name.”