Q. Are we allowed to say Tehilim and Tefilos this Shabbos (Pekudei) for our brethren in danger and suffering in Ukraine?
Should not we also daven for the survival of the many Kevarim and burial and holy sites of Gedolei Hadoros and Tzadikim buried all over Ukraine?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that indeed we should recite Tehiim for both, the living and the dead.
I remember that about ten years ago a group of our Mispalelim and friends traveled for about a week, driving almost all day and night to visit and daven at the Holy Kevarim and sites in Poland and Ukraine.
They included Ger, Lublin, Radomsk, Krakow, Riminov, Sanz and Lizensk.
In Ukraine it was Belz, Yampol, Anipoly, Shepektiva, Polnne, Berditchev. Mezibuz, Uman and others, including the Tzadikim and Kedoshim resting there.
An incredible beautifully spiritual Shabbos was our stay by the Kever of the Baal Shem Tov at Mezibuz. Yet the Shabbos was tragically disturbed by the knowledge that a tourist had been then assassinated, presumably by an antisemitic local terrorist.
An interesting fact, was that although the people of Mezibuz depended for their welfare and living on our tourism. we could not avoid feeling their hate and dislike of us, as they stared when we walked Shabbos on their streets.
And yet, those places are full of the memories and graves of so many Tzadikim and Kedoshim throughout so many generations. Therefore our tefilos should include not only the living, but also the Neshamos of our Kedoshim and their resting places.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller, Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit’a