Q. I have a question for you Rabbi. It is common that parents promise prices to their children if they get good marks, or scare them with punishments when they don’t. Do this promises always have to be kept?
I recently heard in a shiur that one may change the time on the alarm clock of his children so they will wake up on time. Is that proper?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that one should never promise his children something he cannot or will not deliver, since he is promoting and teaching them falseness and Shheker.
As far as changing the time on the alarm clock Horav Yitzchok Zilberstein Shlit’a permits (Oleinu Leshveach – Bamidbar p. 682).
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller, Horav Dovid Pam and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit’a.