Q. Can one borrow the “partzufim” or masks, Purim disguises and attires that others left in shul after megilla reading, without the permission of the owners? Is this similar to borrowing and wearing someones taalis, since we assume that “nicha lei leinish” a person is agreeable and accepts others borrowing his property when he doesn’t need it and it will be returned unharmed, after he complies with a mitzva?
A. On question 1279 we wrote: ” Different reasons have been mentioned for the minhag of donning disguises in Purim, such as giving the opportunity to the poor to collect tzedaka without being embarrassed (Minhagei Kol Aryeh)
Other reasons are that the miracle of Purim was disguised in ordinary occurrences and events, such as Vashti being executed and Esther taking her place. The Talmud (Megila 12a) writes that just as the Jews at the time pretended only to be serving other gods, Hashem also pretended that He was going to destroy the Jewish nation, and in the end it was only a semblance (Bnai Isoschor). It would seem that we are being encouraged to wear them. However, Rema (Shulchan Aruch O.H. 696: 8) and Mahari Mintz (17) mention only that it is permitted, but do not encourage it necessarily.”
Following the above, Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that in our case we do not say “nicha lei leinish” a person is agreeable and accepts others borrowing his property, since no proper real mitzva is being performed.
Besides, even using someones taalis or tefilin without permission may not apply in our days, since we are more careful with the perspiration and sweat from others. The above would also apply to the partzufim and disguises.
The Rov recommended to place a sign in shul, indicating that the partzufim items left in shul, will be considered hefker or abandoned and to be disposed off by the shul.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a