Re: Question (810) about Mekadeish Shemo Borabim

Q. I pray Nusach Ashkenaz-Minhag Frankfurt where the Nusach for that Bracha is “Mekadeish Es Shimcho Borabim.” I have noticed that it is unlike any other Bracha I have encountered. Every other Bracha uses third-person in its concluding Bracha, except for that one. Do you have any explanation for that anomaly?

A. See prior answer in regards to why brochos change from a beginning in second person to a third person end.
Mekadesh Es Shimcho Borabim is not the only exception. S’forim quote another two, namely the end of the thanks giving brocho in the amida; “Hatov Shimcho Ulecha Noe Lehodos” and avoda on Yom Tov, “Sheoscho Levad’cho Beyiro Na’avod.”
Nefesh Chayo, (O.H. 46, Taleley Oros – Tefilos p. 394) explains that these two blessings differ from all others in that they do not contain praise to Hashem and His works, rather they refer to the acts of men and the duties they should perform. These include man thanking Hashem and serving Him with awe, obligations that we concede and acknowledge directly to Him. One may add that giving thanks should be said directly.
Shvocho Shel Aharon (p. 43) mentions the question why is “Mekadeish Es Shimcho Borabim” different. He elucidates providing the background of a medresh that assures that the brochos are to be said only in the present world and not in the world to come, since then they will be needless. The exception is giving thanks that will always be timely. Therefore thanks-giving brochos are said directly to Hashem since then His presence will be manifest and we will address Him directly. That time will obviously correspond as well to “Mekadeish Es Shimcho Borabim.”

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a