Q. Can I kasher a treif oven that does not have self clean by turning it to 550 fahrenheit for an extended period of time? How about the electric stove burners?

Thank you

A…Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a indicated that to Kasher a non-kosher conventional oven you first have to clean it thoroughly using the adequate oven cleaner to remove all hardened baked on grease from crevices, grooves and door hinges. Steel wool or a scraper should be used to remove any remaining stubborn spots. After not using the oven for twenty-four hours, put it on bake for 45-60 minutes at the highest setting (usually 550°F). Continue by fully turning on the broiler for 25 minutes.

The electric coil burners burn up the treif residue on them routinely. The drip pans if they have enamel covering, should preferably be replaced.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a