Q. We say mishenichnas Adar marbim besimcha, when Adar begins we are have to increase our joy. For one that doesn’t have a court case with Goyim, is in good health and always does try to do mitzvos with simcha anyway, how does this apply in practice?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that there are of course many degrees of simcha and joy. The effort to reach higher degrees should increase during Adar, such as learning Torah that creates rejoice.
Additionally, it is a time when good mazal prevails, so it is a propitious period to begin new shiurim, establish new mitzva projects, and other endeavors whose success will bring joy.
On question 473 in regards to Adar Rishon, we wrote; Nimukey Orach Chaim (ibid.) and Nittey Gavriel (Purim 11: 3) instruct that each individual should augment his joy by engaging in the activities that bring him happiness. It is known that Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz Zt”l would increase his time of Torah learning during the month of Adar, as this was his way of increasing joy.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a
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