Q. On Rosh Hashanah night do you put salt on the chala together with the honey? If yes which is first?
A. There are a number of different minhoggim.
a) Immersing the chala slice in salt and then same side in honey (Kaf Hachaim 583: 4, Ktzei Hamateh ibid.). Immersing three times in salt and then twice in honey (Divrey Chaim Munkatch).
b) Dipping one side of the slice in salt and the other in honey (Shalmas Chaim 1:39)
c) Dipping in salt and eating a kzais and then immersing in honey and eating again. (Taamei Hamihaggim 706). Some reverse this order (Reshimas Devorim 2 p.23)
d) Eating two different slices of chala, first one dipped in salt, then another in honey.
e) Some reverse the order (Shalmas Chaim 1: 346)
f) Not to immerse in salt at all, however a salt container should be placed on the table. (Orchois Rabeinu 2 p.173, Nitei Gavriel 28:7:17)
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a advice is to follow your own family minhag.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a
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