Q. I listened to shiurim on all of sefer shmuel on tape. At the end, I listened to the magid shiur say a hadran, with no kaddish.
Does one make a siyum on learning done only by listening (in my van), with out an open sefer?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is that you may perform a siyum on Torah learning done just by listening to a tape as it is considered learning. (Sefer Charedim 11 – Tziunum Latorah 9, – See; Biur Halocho 47,4 on the HaGro opinion on just thinking Torah thoughts).
Although it is a very important mitzvah to learn Torah while traveling, as we repeat twice daily “uvelechtecha baderech” (see Avos 3,4) care should be taken not to distract oneself from the necessary concentration needed for proper driving. Mogen Avrohom (110,10 from Talmud Taanis 10b) rules that one should abstain from the more engrossing Halocho learning if he is the conductor. (It is quoted from Rav Simcha Waserman Zt”l that he would not answer Halocho questions while driving).
Learning Nach however, would be acceptable.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a
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