Q. Regarding to question #349 Mental imaging of our needs before davening, it ia difficult to me to daven now after I read Rabbi Hirsh’s book Horev page 448 2007 Helek 5 Mizvot, perek haf zadik Tfila , since now I know that Tfila is not to ask HaShem, but to charge myself . But Tfila is in form of asking???
A. Rav S. R. Hirsh Zt”l in the chapter you cited does not address mental imaging on our needs before tefilah. He only adds the elucidation of tefilah as an act of self-judgment and introspection so necessary in understanding why and how we pray to Hashem.
He stresses that as the name “tefilah” implies, (as in “venasan b’plilim”) it is an act of judgment and truth seeking. This discerning and keenness of perception sets the relationship between Hashem and the mispalel and creates the setting for tefilah.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld
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