Q. Someone that has a minhag not to eat matza thirty days before Pesach, can he eat then shemura matza left overs from last Pesach that were likely placed on a chometz table during the year and he would certainly not eat them during next Pesach?
A. On question 2116 regarding one that has a minhag is not to eat matzos thirty days before Pesach. But since he only eats shemura matzos during Pesach, If he can eat regular machine matzos and gebrocht matzos in soup or matzebrai, since he doesn’t eat gebrochts on Pesach. To what we answered: “Rema (O.H. 471: 2) rules that on Erev Pesach it is prohibited to eat matzos that can be used for the seder. Mishna Berura (ibid. 12) adds that some accustom not to eat matzo from Rosh Chodesh Nissan.
Mishnas Yaakov (3: 471), Kitzur Hilchos Pesach, Nitei Gavriel (1: 2: 10) and others maintain that the minhag is thirty days before Pesach. Igrois Moshe (O.H. 1: 155) explains that this is the time we begin the preparations for Pesach.
However, as mentioned the prohibition applies only to the matzo that one can consume at the seder night.
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that if the eating of matzo is necessary for diet purposes, one can put the well marked matzo in contact with bread and thus make it inedible for Pesach. Then he may consume it even after Rosh Chodesh until Erev Pesach. when it would be prohibited. The same may apply to gebrochts.
On this shaila, Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that he should also eat them as gebrochts (if he does not eat them on Pesach) or actually mix them with crumbs of bread.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit’a