A Q. Someone was eating the Purim Seuda last Friday and drank wine and time went by fast, (he didn’t fall asleep). Then he realized that it was already Shabbos (he davened Mincha before the seuda). If he still wanted to eat and drink something or continue with the Shabbos seuda, did he have to make kiddush for Shabbos first? Did he have to make a brocho on the wine since as is he was already drinking wine. When he benches, does he say Al Hanissim or Retzeh or both? Can he eat the Shabbos meal first and then daven Maariv?
A. Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 271: 6) and Mishna Berura rule that before sunset he has to stop eating and if he wants to continue with the seuda, he has to recite the Shabbos Kiddush first. Since he was already drinking wine he does not recite P’ri Hagefen again on the Kiddush. Since he wants to eat then the Shabbos Seuda, he should bring to the table the two Shabbos Chalos and cover them as done usually in Shabbos, together with the rest of the bread already there. He and the others present who heard the Kiddush, should eat at least a kezais of chala, but they don’t have to wash hands again and recite Hamotzi a second time. Poskim disagree if he should eat that kezais from the Lechem Mishna Chalos, cutting them as is usually done (Purim Meshulash), or it is not necessary (Haelef Lecha Shlomo 1: 113).
Poskim disagree when the present recite Birchas Hamazon after they ended their mixed Shabbos and Purim meal, if they add to the necessary and essential ‘Retze’ (since they ate at least a kezais after Shabbos began), also ‘Al Hanisim’ since the seuda began during Purim or no (Mishna Berura 291: 2). The reason being that after all they are contradictory. They also disagree if ‘Al Hanisim’ should be said as usual at the second brocho or at the Horachamons, by the end of Benching.
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that it is better to bentch before the Sh’kia, following with Kabbolas Shabbos and Maariv and then the Shabbos seuda.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit’a