Q. Can I fullfill my obligation to say a bracha, if I omit the word baruch? Or if I replace baruch with the word mishubach?
(Because the words which baruch (or a word for root brch) is paralleled with in bircas krias shema and nishmas, Also that brch is in a list of words of praise in Kaddish).
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that regardless of the validity of the dikduk and grammar involved is this suggestion, one cannot change the formulation and established wording of a brocho, as our sages teach (Brochos 40b); “whoever alters the ‘coin’ minted by the Sages (changes the format) of brochos, does not comply with his obligation” (See Rambam, H. Brochos 1: 5, and H. Kerias Shema 1: 7).
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a
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