Q. I am planning a trip to Canada and Alaska next month and because night doesn’t come in till very late please tell me if I should be davening Maariv at a normal time or whether I have to stay up to daven when it gets dark? Also as far as Shabat is concerned, shall I light candles at a normal time or do I wait for the night times? Same for havdala. Is there anything else I have to do because of this situation?

Thank you

A. It appears from your question, that the places you would be visiting are below (south of) the Arctic Circle (66.5622 N Latitude), but close to it. On these locations even on the Solstice day (June 21), the sun does set below and rises above the horizon, yet the night is short and may not become dark enough to see the stars. For example on Yellowknife, (NWT), Canada, which locates about 250 miles south of the Arctic Circle (62.45 N), on June 21, (the longest day) the Shkiah (sunset) is 11.38 PM, Chatzois (midnight) is 1.39 A.M. and the Netz (sunrise) is 3.39 A.M. The Plag Hamincha is 9.34 PM, so one can daven Mincha before the Plag, and Maariv right after on weekdays. On Shabbat you daven Mincha before the Plag and you can be Mekabel Shabbos right after. Similarly in Anchorage, Alaska, (61 ,10′), on June 21, the Shkiah (sun set) is 11.42 PM, Chatzoth (Midnight) is 2.02 AM., Netz (sunrise) is 4.21 A.M. The Plag Hamincha is 9.41 P.M.

One should repeat the S’hma right before Chatzois, when possible, or at least 72 minutes after the Shkiah. However, there are opinions, (Toras Chaim, 235), that you can comply with the mitzvah of S’hma, if you say it at the time when normally people in that location go to bed, or they rise, regardless of the position of the sun.

Shabbos ends on those locations, (where it does not get totally dark to see stars) right after Chatzois (midnight). You can make Havdalah in Yellowknife after 1.39 A.M. or wait until the next morning before you eat breakfast, (you don‘t recite the Borei Meoirey and B’somim brocho then . (O.C. 299.6). The end of Zman S’hma in the morning at Yellowknife is 8.39 A.M., (Hagra) and the end of Zman Tefilah is 10.19 AM)

Because of the complexity and severity of the Halochos involved, especially on Shabbos, one should avoid traveling above the Arctic Circle on the days when the sun does not set at all. If you do please consult again. Safe trip.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a