A Separating Havdala?

Q. If a woman can’t fast does her husband say havdala for her during the day, and she drinks the cup?

A. Poskim rule that an ill person who has to eat on Tisha Beav should recite havdala before he eats.(Knesses Hagedola 71, Shaarei Teshuva 556:1) In Regards to women who have to eat Poskim disagree. Some maintain that they may wait to hear it at the end of the fast. (Nitey Gavriel – H. Ben Hametzorim 2; 95; 6, quoting also Orchos Rabenu).
Mishne Halochos (7: 39) maintains that it is better on the onset that the husband should recite havdala for her and give a minor to drink the grape juice.
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is that, she should recite havdala for herself.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a