Q. If the father keeps the minhag Hoari and does not shave even on Lag Baomer, can he still do the chalaka on Lag B. for his child?

A. Poskim permit for someone who follows Minhag Ariza”l to do the chalaka of his son on Lag Baomer since the Ariza”l himself did so.(Shulchan Hatohor 260: 8, Kaf Hachaim 100: 13,Birkei Yosef 493: 6) Minchas Elozor adds that the minhag Ariza”l from the onset was only meant for the great and Baalei Kabbolo, and not for children.
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a position is similar.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a.