Q. Should an Israeli flag be next to the ark in the synagogue?

A. Many Poskim maintain that it is improper to place any flag next to the Aron Hakodesh and a number of reasons are mentioned.
Igrois Moshe (O.H. 1: 46) writes that although it is not prohibited and one therefore should not incur for it into a machlokes or quarrel, still, it is seen as out of context and reason and should be avoided. Others opine that flags are like any other object that may distract or disturb the attention and kavana of the mispalel and therefore should be removed (Haposek 7 p. 79 quoting Horav Yonoson Shtaif zt”l. Hamaor 4:4 p. 17. See also Hama’ayan 43: 3: p.64, quoting Hagrai Kuk zt’l opinion.)
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion follows these Poskim.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a