Q. After 20 plus years at this job, my employer now wants me to work Saturdays. I have told him no as I never have as this is my Sabbath. He says unless I provide a letter they will make me work and if I do not it is cause to be laid off. Can they do this, or where can I get a letter stating it is against my religion to work on Saturdays.

A. If you adhere to the Jewish Religion you are obliged to keep Shabbat and other festivities according to the Halacha. I have included a letter for your use (and for others in similar situations) from Rabbi Vale, the director of the Orthodox Rabbinical Vaad of Toronto.

[Vaad Shabbos Letter](http:///PDFView.asp?L=PDF&E=P&N=VaadShabbosLetter)

Rabbi A. Bartfeld